Frequently Asked Questions
On this page, we aim to answer the most common questions that get asked each year. All listed questions have been sorted into two different topics to help you navigate more easily. If your question is not resolved by the answers listed below, do not hesitate to reach out to the Executive Staff. We aim to provide you with an answer to your question within one business day. When your question is aimed at a specific person or is about a specific subject, you can send an email to a specific member of the Executive Staff instead.
My question is related to
The conference
Who can participate in IMUNA?
IMUNA is open for secondary school (high school) students only. Students from all over the world are invited to participate in IMUNA. University students may not attend.
What is exactly done at IMUNA?
IMUNA is a simulation of the United Nations. At the conference students representing states debate international problems. They try to solve those issues through the writing of resolutions. MUN often makes students more aware of global problems and the consequences. Additionally, students learn how international politics and international law work.
How can I register for IMUNA?
The registration system is divided into two parts. On the one hand, the school must register its delegation as a participant. The MUN-Director, often a teacher, must fill out the digital registration form. As an alternative, it is also possible to fill in the paper-based registration form and return it to the secretariat by email or normal mail form. On the other hand, individual students must be registered online via Form II. Please note that Form I must be at the IMUNA Secretariat before the 12th of February, 2025 if you would like to participate in IMUNA 2025.
When and where is IMUNA held?
The IMUNA conference of 2025 is held from the 13th - 15th of June at the Murmellius Gymnasium in Alkmaar, The Netherlands. More information about participation can be found on the ‘Participate’ page.
What are the housing possibilities?
Unfortunately, Community Housing is very difficult to arrange. Every year, the IMUNA organisation strives to find a host family for all participants with a housing request. IMUNA cannot guarantee Community Housing for all participants.
My students are inexperienced delegates, is IMUNA a good conference for them to start?
IMUNA is a very good conference for them to start. The conference has a friendly atmosphere and the size of IMUNA provides those delegates with a chance to be very actively involved in the procedures. Additionally, IMUNA provides a lot of materials to get started. The organisation has an Instructional Guide, an Audio Guide and before the conference takes place a booklet is published which contains information regarding the different topics. Additionally, IMUNA organises a number of workshops for delegates. These are meant to make sure that all participants have a basic knowledge of the workings of the UN and IMUNA.
Previously our Audio Guide had to be purchased for your delegates. We have decided to release it publicly for free on our website. Feel free to check out the digital Audio Guide.
Is IMUNA in any sense connected to the real UN?
Yes, it partly is. Of course, IMUNA is not a part of the UN nor is it affiliated thereto. It is connected in the sense that decisions taken at the conference annually are sent to the United Nations Secretariat.
Are there any social activities outside the Model United Nations program at IMUNA?
The social activities organised by IMUNA are the Saturday night party and the tour around the city of Alkmaar for MUN-Directors. There will also be a tour for delegates arriving on Thursday. This tour will be held Thursday evening. More information on this tour will be provided in the second mailing. While IMUNA of course has a very broad range of social activities, the organisation does not specifically organise events for that purpose. Nevertheless, you will find IMUNA to be a very social and very friendly conference.
My school has never participated in a Model United Nations conference, where can I find useful information?
IMUNA provides several sources of information. The Instructional Guide provides MUN-Directors with basic information concerning the entire simulation and the Audio Guide specifically outlines the structure of a parliamentary debate in the same way as it is used at IMUNA. Further information can be found at the website of the United Nations and the United Nations Association of the United States of America.
Financing, Rules & Procedures
On Form 1 a financial guarantee is mentioned, what does it mean?
The financial guarantee must be filled out by the MUN-Director and the main school administrator (the headmaster). The guarantee is added in order to clarify the financial commitment of participants and it is meant to emphasise the financial implications of sending in Form I.
What are the tasks of an MUN-Director at IMUNA?
It is the overall responsibility of the MUN-Directors to make sure that there is no unruly behaviour at the conference. MUN-Directors represent the school delegations and they carry out tasks at the Approval Panel. MUN-Directors are vital for the MUN Programme as they are the ones that form delegations and educate those who are on the delegations.
Can my students take part in special forums or fulfill special positions?
Yes, they can. Special delegate positions are the representatives in the Security Council and the North Atlantic Council. Participants do not have to apply for these positions. MUN-Directors can simply request the SC or NATO countries. Additionally, participants can apply for two different positions: Student Officer and Press Officer. For the Student Officer positions normal application procedures apply, for Press an easier procedure has been devised. Applications for Student Officer should contain an application form, a letter of application and a letter of recommendation from the MUN-Director, while the application for Press Officer only contains an application form and a motivation of 300 words.
How can I reach the organisers?
The IMUNA Secretariat can be reached via e-mail or telephone. Please note the opening hours of the Secretariat mentioned on our website. The address and other contact information for the Secretariat can be found on the website under “Contact Us”.
What is the participation fee?
To cover the costs involved in organising such an event we ask €60,- per student participant (delegate, press, Student-Officer, etc.) and €40,- per adult participant (MUN-director). We also ask €15,- per participant which requests housing. See the Handbook for Participation for more information.
Will IMUNA have the same structure and procedures as other Model United Nations conferences?
Partly, IMUNA will use Rules of Procedure that are very much like those that are used at other conferences. Nevertheless, the organisation has chosen to apply some changes that, in our opinion, enhance the simulation in general and the level of debate in particular.
I noticed that you have a Model NATO program, why is that?
The Model UN Programme is constantly developing and it is clear that new dimensions must be added to the normal conference structure. NATO provides MUN with an opportunity to work with a different organization that has more military capabilities and that is based in Europe. An addition to the normal curriculum that proved to be very interesting.
How does the online system mentioned in Mailing I work?
All registration after Mailing I will work via the IMUNA website, which has been specially equipped with databases that make sure that MUN-Directors can enter participants themselves. Additionally, the online system makes sure that lesser mistakes are made. The system works with a special registration area at the website. MUN-Directors can fill out delegations there and make changes to them later. The whole system is protected with usernames and passwords. A complete explanation about the system can be found in Mailing II and in the future on the website.
Can Audio Guides still be purchased?
No, but do not worry, they are still available, just in a different format. We have decided to publicize the Audio Guide on our website for free. They can be found under the General Information > Beginning Delegates menu item in our website’s main menu.